We are a team of ambitious women who work and live in the IT sector of UK with common interest in promoting all others in the sisterhood who have interests in technologically developing the world
In recent years, the number of women in the tech industry has increased immensely. Though this is to be appreciated, there are still many challenges that are faced by women on a daily basis in their workplace. Some of the barriers and ways to overcome the challenges are listed below Sis Loves Me Being a…
UK has become popular for being one of the best funded in terms of technology mainly due to its diversity and open acceptance of girls in the tech world. There are a huge number of women who have established their tech start-ups in order to jump across the gender technology gap. 27% of the tech…
As gender neutrality has been taking over the world, many women around the globe have stepped up to etch a role in the technological field, among various others, as well. Many have been able to become as influential as men with major eminent companies under their names. UK is not behind in the race as…
There are many skills that a woman can offer on the table for organizations but these need to be horned to meet the hectic demands of the world. A number of challenges are expected to be overcome. As an intellectual and educated entity a woman has the same amount of potential as a man when…
Let the heels click with confidence as you swing your way effortlessly into a worthy position in the Tech world. The word ‘interview’ can send jitters down your spine and have butterflies flit around anxiously in your stomach. Fear not for here are a few tips that will aid you in nailing any job interview…
As Amelia Earhart said, ‘Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others’ , the women of the modern world should not take the backseat to male domination in the technology world. It is important to establish the fact that the tech realm…
Despite the fact that in UK around 59% of men can possess an angel investment over women, there are a number of powerful women who have stepped on the pedestal and started their start-ups through other ways and by breaking set boundaries. However, this has not been as easy as stating it is. Women have to…
According to researches, men have an 86% more chance of getting a VC fund than women especially in digital start-ups. There are only a meagre 8% of women who make partners in 100 of the big conglomerates and venture firms in the world. However these are just mere stats that over the time will change…
Efficiency is achieved in economies of countries when citizens are all considered as productive units. However, it has taken years for women to even try and get a job in the male dominated employment world. See more on how women impact the tech world. Despite the females being half of the percentage using technology, the…